Luxembourg’s landscape shows significant anthropogenic modifications, including alterations in woodlands and waterways. The existing planning practices and protocols in the region still contribute to high carbon emissions and reflect an extractive approach. Given the urgency of addressing climate change and its far-reaching effects, including the potential for ensuing social crises, achieving large-scale decarbonization poses substantial challenges for urban and infrastructure design. In this context, Luxembourg’s substantial potential for territorial transition would enable an equitable climate and ecology-oriented approach to systemic planning and design. This photo essay explores the complex interplay between ecological and resource-related systems, along with landscapes, by capturing the everyday atmospheres of Luxembourg and border towns in France, Germany, and Belgium.
Commissioned by École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Versailles and TU Graz.
Published in Towards Territorial Transition, a book edited by Matthias Armengaud, Aglaée Degros, and Radostina Radulova-Stahmer. Park Books, 2023.